Stefania Garrone

Qualified Italian, French, English and German language and literature teacher

Italian PLIDA Certification examiner

1st and 3rd tier leadership positions manager in schools

School governor

Teachers' trainer

Italian, French, English interpreter & translator

TV journalist and media freelancer

EU project designer & manager

PhD candidate in Education

Stefania Garrone

Qualified Italian, French, English and German language and literature teacher

Italian PLIDA Certification examiner

1st and 3rd tier leadership positions manager in schools

School governor

Teachers' trainer

Italian, French, English interpreter & translator

TV journalist and media freelancer

EU project designer & manager

PhD candidate in Education


  • AVEC (Association des Villes de Culture EuropĂ©ennes): Scholarship for a two week internship at the Municipalities of Rennes and Tours (France)
  • E-twinning (INDIRE) : offered a one week training for teachers in Sèvres (France)
  • JCI Academy in Japan: Italian jaycee representative at the National Academy for JCI incoming National chairmen/women
  • Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Scholarship to attend a one month French course at the Institut de Touraine (Tours- France)